2025 Homebrew Competition
The Cream City Homebrew Competition is a Best of Show-style competition, put on to showcase the talents of the Metro Milwaukee homebrewing community.
The competition features an initial round of judging which will determine 10 finalists, who served a case of their beer to the public at an event on Saturday, May 3rd. Entry into the competition, as well as entry to the event, is free and open to the public.
A panel of celebrity beer judges awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place beers, plus an award for crowd favorite. The winning recipe will be commercially brewed and served at Gathering Place Brewing. Other prizes include gift certificates for Gathering Place and tickets to the Lager & Friends beer festival on May 31st, 2025.
The Details
All entries must be handcrafted products, containing ingredients available to the general public, and made using private equipment by hobbyist brewers (i.e., no use of commercial facilities or Brew on Premises operations, supplies, etc.).
Open to all beer styles. Brewers will be asked to specify a BCJP style when registering. Judges will use style as a guideline and will group entries into similar styles for the initial round.
The competition will be limited to 200 entries. Each brewer may submit up to 2 entries.
Entrants will submit two 12oz bottles (or one 22oz bottle) of beer for the first round. Bottles should have no labels and caps should be blacked out. Bottle labels should be attached with a rubber band.
10 chosen finalists will provide a case (24 12oz bottles, 12 22oz bottles, 2.25 gal in a keg) of selected beer for public consumption at the finals on May 3, 2025.
Recipes are not required to submit a beer but please note any special ingredients.
The Best of Show winner will provide their recipe to Gathering Place Brewing Company, who reserves the right to adjust the recipe. Beer brewed by the Gathering Place Brewing Company remains property of the Gathering Place Brewing Company.
The competition is free and open to all amateur homebrewers aged 21+.
April 18th: Registration closes
April 22st: First round judging
April 23rd: Entrants will be notified of the first round results
May 3rd: Final round showcase and awards ceremony at Gathering Place Brewing
1st Place: Brew day with Gathering Place team and a release party in the Gathering Place taproom; 2 tickets to Lager & Friends beer festival on May 31, 2025
2nd Place: $50 Gathering Place gift card; 2 tickets to Lager & Friends beer festival on May 31, 2025
3rd Place: $25 Gathering Place gift card; 2 tickets to Lager & Friends beer festival on May 31, 2025
Crowd Fav: $25 Gathering Place gift card; 2 tickets to Lager & Friends beer festival on May 31, 2025
Drop Off Location: April 1-18 during taproom hours
Gathering Place Riverwest - 811 E Vienna Ave, Milwaukee, WI 53212
Gathering Place Tosa - 7208 W North Ave, Wauwatosa, WI 53213
Sahale Ale Works - 1505 Wisconsin Ave #170, Grafton, WI 53024
Shipping Info
Entry bottles accepted at our shipping location from April 1-18th. Ship entries to:
Gathering Place Brewing Company
Cream City Homebrew Competition
811 E Vienna Ave
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Gathering Place Brewing is not responsible for entries that are lost or damaged in transit. Please note that it is illegal to ship entries via the US Postal Service (USPS).